2024 The Pacific Conference Statistical Reporting for The Evangelical Church

Filling out this form will help us to compile the 2024 data for our Pacific Conference Churches. Thanks so much for helping us collect this important information.


PLEASE NOTE - Special symbols (, . $) are not accepted in answers that require numbers. So instead of inputting $140,050.20, input 140050. We apologize for the inconvenience. 


If you have questions, don't hesitate to get in touch with our Denomination Admin:

Jhen Stark | jhen@theevangelicalchurch.org 



Form Contact Information

Please fill out this form in its entirety.  We will only use this contact info if there are questions or comments about the information provided.  

Tip: The first name of the person filling out the form.

Tip: The last name of the person filling out the form

Tip: The email address of the person filling out the form.

Tip: Please provide a phone number to contact the person filling out the form.

Church Information

Spiritual Decisions

Tip: Please report the number of Conversions for your church in 2024.

Tip: Please report the number of Sanctifications for your Church in 2024.

Tip: Please report the number of baptisms for your church, NOT including children for 2024 (If there were none, simply answer 0)

Tip: Please report the number of child dedications or child baptisms for your Church in 2024. If there were none, simply answer 0


Tip: Please combine and report an average for mulitple worship services, including all adults, children and staff in attendance.

Tip: If your church held services online please report your information for this category. If your church did not do online sermons or services in 2024 you may leave this section blank. Combine an average from all online platforms used. Include both live and/or recorded services/sermons. Attendance can be counted regardless of the length of time or device connected. Report average views/hits (do not convert with a multiplier)

Tip: Current Membership of Your Church - if you do not have Members, please input 0

Finances & Budget

Tip: Please report your total church income for 2024, including tithes, gifts, and other revenue. (Round to the nearest dollar amount.)

Tip: Please report your total church expenses, including all ministries, staffing, physical plant and other church operating expenses. (Round to the nearest dollar amount) (EXCLUDE Giving-see below))

Tip: This category includes all gifts, donations and benevolences given by the church to: Other organizations or individuals, Missions and Missionaries, Local/National/International Need, Denominational Conference Offerings (Do not include amounts reported in Total Church Expenses)

Tip: Please provide the approved budget total for this past year

Tip: Please provide the project budget total for this coming year


Tip: Out of 100% of your total church, what percentage is children infants to 12 years old?

Tip: Out of 100% of your total church, what percentage is youth 13-17 years old?

Tip: Out of 100% of your total church, what percentage is adjults ages 18-35?

Tip: Out of 100% of your total church, what percentage is adults ages 36-65?

Tip: Out of 100% of your total church, what percentage is adults over 66 years old?

Tip: Is there anything else you would like to report regarding your 2024 statistics?